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If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, feel free to contact us at anytime.


Fetch is the fast food delivery company revolutionizing the fast food industry forever. We bring everyone’s favorite fast foods at their time of despair, while taking a minute to see how they're doing. We have no affiliation, contact, or business with either of these fast food chains, besides picking up your meals and delivering them to you. We transport these meals from each restaurant using quality delivery bags to keep your food nice and warm while you continue with your day. Our primary focus here at Fetch is customer satisfaction so we do our best to protect your meals, but we do apologize if your meal doesn’t time well. This tends to happen with our tacos, sundaes (McFlurry's and Frosty's ok), and french fries. All prices are as seen on website, including service charges (except $7 dollar delivery fee added at checkout). We promise your food is in the best hands and can guarentee we do not tamper with your food, so if you do notice any imperfections with your meal please let us know as soon as possible and we will take this matter up with the corresponding restaurant. We do apologize for any cases of food bourne sicknesses, allergic reactions, or food poisining, as Fetch does not prepare the food we deliver. Please contact us immediately if you are a victim and we will do everything in our power to help you, but all food bourne sicknesses are your local fast food restaurants liability.

Return Policy

Fetch is serious about customer satisfaction. If there are any mistakes with your food order or an incorrect charge on your credit card, contact us at 951-363-5136 or on our contact form. We are here 24/7 to help straighten any issues out.


*Credits or adjustments can take up to 7–10 days to appear in your bank account.



Welcome to Fetch Delivery Co.

Lake Elsinore Fast Food Delivery
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